
KubeSnapIt can be installed through the PowerShell Gallery or Krew for Linux and macOS users.

You can install KubeSnapIt directly from the PowerShell Gallery:

Install-Module -Name KubeSnapIt -Repository PSGallery -Scope CurrentUser

To update KubeSnapIt:

Update-Module -Name KubeSnapIt

Installing via Krew (Linux and macOS)

To install KubeSnapIt as a kubectl plugin using Krew:

  1. Install Krew: Follow the instructions here.
  2. Install KubeSnapIt:
# Fetch the latest release tag using GitHub's API
LATEST_VERSION=$(curl -s | grep '"tag_name"' | sed -E 's/.*"([^"]+)".*/\1/')

# Download the KubeSnapIt.yaml file from the latest release
curl -L -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -O$LATEST_VERSION/KubeSnapIt.yaml

# Install the plugin using the downloaded KubeSnapIt.yaml file
kubectl krew install --manifest="./KubeSnapIt.yaml"


  • PowerShell Version: PowerShell 7 or higher is required.
  • Additional Dependencies: The powershell-yaml module is needed for YAML parsing. It will be automatically installed when running KubeSnapIt from PowerShell. You also need kubectl installed.

Now that you’ve installed KubeSnapIt visit the Usage Guide to start cleaning up your Kubernetes configurations!