⚡ Installing KubeSnapIt

KubeSnapIt can be installed on Windows, Linux, and macOS via the PowerShell Gallery or Krew for kubectl users.

For PowerShell users, install KubeSnapIt directly from the PowerShell Gallery:

Install-Module -Name KubeSnapIt -Repository PSGallery -Scope CurrentUser

🔄 Updating KubeSnapIt

To update KubeSnapIt to the latest version:

Update-Module -Name KubeSnapIt

🌍 Installing via Krew (Linux/macOS)

For Kubernetes users on Linux and macOS, install KubeSnapIt as a kubectl plugin using Krew:

1️⃣ Install Krew

Follow the official Krew installation guide here.

2️⃣ Install KubeSnapIt via Krew

kubectl krew install kubesnapit

🔄 Updating KubeSnapIt via Krew

kubectl krew upgrade kubesnapit

🔧 Requirements

PowerShell Version: PowerShell 7 or higher is required.
Additional Dependencies: The powershell-yaml module is needed for YAML parsing and will be installed automatically.
Krew for Plugin Users: If using Krew, ensure kubectl and Krew are properly configured.

Next Steps: Now that KubeSnapIt is installed, check out the Usage Guide to start capturing and comparing Kubernetes snapshots! 📸🚀