📜 Logging and Output
KubeSnapIt provides detailed logging for every operation, allowing users to track and debug snapshot creation, resource restoration, and diff comparisons.
For in-depth troubleshooting, always use the -Verbose
flag to view detailed logs of what KubeSnapIt is doing.
📝 Snapshot Logging Example
When creating snapshots, a summary output displays each resource being saved:
Deployment 'access' snapshot saved: ./snapshots/Deployment_access_2024-10-14_12-55-22.yaml
ConfigMap 'kube-root-ca.crt' snapshot saved: ./snapshots/ConfigMap_kube-root-ca.crt_2024-10-14_12-55-23.yaml
Unmanaged pod 'my-unmanaged-pod' snapshot saved: ./snapshots/unmanaged_pod_my-unmanaged-pod_2024-10-14_12-55-26.yaml
This output confirms that each resource has been successfully captured and stored.
♻️ Restore Logging Example
When restoring resources from a snapshot, KubeSnapIt provides feedback on the restoration process:
Restoring resource from file: "./snapshots/Deployment_noaccess_2024-10-14_14-47-46.yaml"
deployment.apps/noaccess configured
Resource from './snapshots/Deployment_noaccess_2024-10-14_14-47-46.yaml' restored successfully.
This output indicates which resources have been applied and whether they were updated or left unchanged.
🔍 Diff Logging Example
KubeSnapIt provides a detailed summary of differences when comparing snapshots:
File1 = snapshots/Deployment_noaccess_2024-10-14_14-49-30.yaml
File2 = snapshots/Deployment_noaccess_2024-10-14_14-47-46.yaml
Note: Spaces are represented as '␣' in the output.
║ Comparison Summary ║
║ Line: 17 ║
║ File: File1 ║
║ Content: ␣␣replicas:␣4 ║
║ ║
║ Line: 18 ║
║ File: File2 ║
║ Content: ␣␣replicas:␣1 ║
║ ║
║ Line: 11 ║
║ File: File2 ║
║ Content: ␣␣␣␣test:␣notepad ║
║ ║
The summary shows exactly where changes occurred between two snapshots, making it easy to spot configuration differences.
📢 Verbose Logging Example
For even more detailed output, enable -Verbose
Save-KubeSnapshot -Namespace "your-namespace" -OutputPath "./snapshots" -Verbose
🔎 Verbose Output Example
When using the -Verbose
flag, the output provides deeper insights into each step of the snapshot process:
VERBOSE: Capturing snapshot for Deployment 'my-deployment' in namespace 'your-namespace'.
VERBOSE: Saving snapshot to: ./snapshots/Deployment_my-deployment_2024-10-14_12-00-00.yaml
VERBOSE: Checking for unmanaged pods in namespace 'your-namespace'.
VERBOSE: Found unmanaged pod: 'my-unmanaged-pod'. Saving snapshot...
This is useful for debugging and verifying that KubeSnapIt is processing the correct resources.
📂 Saving Logs to a File
To capture logs for later review while still displaying them in the terminal, use Tee-Object
Save-KubeSnapshot -Namespace "your-namespace" -OutputPath "./snapshots" -Verbose | Tee-Object -FilePath "./logs/kubesnapit.log"
This ensures logs are stored for later analysis while still being visible in the terminal.
📌 For more details on using KubeSnapIt, visit the Usage Guide. 🚀